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File Created: 02-Aug-2019 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  06-Aug-2019 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name NUM III, NUM 3, VIC Mining Division Clinton
BCGS Map 092O032
Status Showing NTS Map 092O05E
Latitude 051º 21' 30'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 39' 35'' Northing 5689881
Easting 454065
Commodities Gold, Copper Deposit Types I : VEIN, BRECCIA AND STOCKWORK
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Cadwallader, Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Num III occurrence is located on a steep southeast-facing slope, at an elevation of 1950 metres and approximately 2.6 kilometres southwest of the northern end of Taseko Lake.

Regionally, the area is underlain by undivided volcanic rocks of the Upper Cretaceous Powell Creek Formation and undivided sedimentary rocks of the Lower to Upper Cretaceous Taylor Creek Group to the northeast.

Locally, a carbonate alteration zone hosts vuggy limonitic carbonate stringers with malachite in andesitic flow breccias of the Upper Cretaceous Powell Creek Formation that have been intruded by a series of dacite and diorite dikes 7 to 30 metres wide. The volcanics strike northerly with a shallow dip to the west, whereas the dikes have a northwest trend and dip steeply from 75 degrees southeast to 80 degrees northwest.

In 1987, rock chips of the stringers yielded values up to 0.45 gram per tonne gold and 1.214 per cent copper (Sample 27+00N, 37+00E; Assessment Report 16873).

The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Vic (MINFILE 092O 027) occurrence since the early 1930s. During 1974 through 1976, Nemco Explorations completed programs of geological mapping, surveying, sampling, six diamond drill holes and road construction. In 1980, the area was staked by M. Boe and a program of blasting, trenching and sampling was performed near the summit. In 1983 and 1984, Sunmark Mines Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping and four underground diamond drill holes, totalling 244.0 metres, from the Lower adit. During 1985 through 1988, Stryker Resources Ltd. and Kingsvale Resources Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (silt, rock and soil) sampling, ground geophysical (magnetometer and VLF) surveying, extensive trenching and 5.9 kilometres of road construction. In 1992, Hemlo Gold Mines completed a program of soil sampling on the Num claims.

EMPR ASS RPT 12279, 13492, 13942, 14615, 15831, *16873, 22740
EMPR FIELDWORK 1992, pp. 37-52
EMPR PF (Unknown [unknown]: Air Photo Overlays - Vic Claim; Unknown [unknown]: Claim Map - Vic and Num 1-3 claims; Unknown [unknown]: Lineament Analysis Map - Nechako Basin Project; Nemco Explorations Ltd. [unknown]: Plan of Back Side of Vic 11th - Trenches:Geophysics:Assays:Soil Grid - Vic Gold Property; Silver Standard Mines Ltd. [unknown]: Sample Location Map - Modified Plan of Map in 1935 Minister of Mines Report - Vic; unknown [unknown]: Sampling Notes - Vic; unknown [unknown]: Sketch Map - West Side - Vic Claims area; unknown [unknown]: Sketch Section - Structure and Sampling – Vic; unknown [unknown]: Sketch Section - Vic; unknown [unknown]: Sketch Section – Vic (II) ; unknown [unknown]: Sketch Map - Vic (II); V. Dolmage [1936-02-05]: Report on the Vick Gold Property; N.G. Cornish [1958-09-15]: Preliminary Report on "Vic Group" Property; unknown [1960-04-04]: Claim Map - Taseko Lake Area; Nemco Explorations Ltd. [1974-11-11]: Section - Looking NW - Vic Gold SHWG; G. von Rosen [1974-11-11]: Plan U/G and SFC - Vic Gold SHWG; Nemco Explorations Ltd. [1974-11-26]: Progress Reports - Nov. 26, 1974 - Vic Gold Property; Nemco Explorations Ltd. [1974-11-28]: Progress Report - Nov. 28, 1974 - Vic Gold Property; G.E.A. von Rosen [1975-11-14]: Progress Report - Nov. 14, 1975 - Vic Gold Property; New Pyramid Gold Mines [1975-12-29]: Sample Plans, Drill Logs and Assays - 1974-1975 - Vic; H.V. Warren [1976-04-28]: Letter Re: Examination of Drill Core; Cop-Ex Mining Corp. Ltd. [1976-07-23]: An Exploration Report on the Vic Claim Group; Cop-Ex Mining Corp. Ltd. [1976-08-04]: News Release to Shareholders: Taseko Lake Gold, Silver, Copper Property; Cop-Ex Mining Corp. Ltd. [1976-08-17]: Notes and Assay Certificates - Packsack Holes - Taseko Vic Claims; unknown [1976-08-30]: Notes RE: Call from Tony Kostuk - Vic; T.C. Keefer [1977-11-15]: Letters Re: Gilford Resources Ltd. Vic Claim Group, Taseko Lake Area; A.F. Reeve [1977-11-17]: Diagramatic Sketch Section - Looking NW - RE Data & Discussion with R. Westervelt - Vic Prospect; A.F. Reeve [1977-11-22]: Letter Re: Vic Gold Prospect, Taseko Lakes District, British Columbia: Exploration Proposal to Peyto Oils Ltd. by Kershaw and Zuber; Gilford Mines Ltd. [1977-11-24]: Summary Report on Vic Gold Holdings; Stryker Resources [1980-08-26]: Certificates of Assay - No. 8009-1251, A83118 - Vic; M.K. Lorimer [1983-06-10]: Engineering Report on the Vic Property; Stryker Resources Ltd. [1980-12-03]: Summary Report on "Vic" Gold Property; Sunmark Mines Ltd. [1984-05-25]: Summary Report - Vic Gold Property; A.C.N. [1985-05-01]: Magnetometer Survey - Vic; Stryker Resources Ltd. [1986]: Geophysical Report on the Vic Mineral Claim; Kingsvale Resources Ltd. [1987-03-19]: A Summary Review Report on the Vic Property; Kingsvale Resources Ltd. [1987-04-30]: Press Release - Kingsvale Resources - Vic; unknown [1987-07-11]: Field Notes - Kingsvale FMC - Vic Property; Kingsvale Resources Ltd. [1987-10-01]: Resume of Exploration Work Carried Out By Kingsvale Resources Ltd. In 1987 On The Vic Gold Property; Kingsvale Resources Ltd. [1987-10-01]: Preliminary Plans - Gold Occurrences and Gold Geochemical Anomalies - Vic Property; C. Hrkac [1987-11-01]: Mapping and Sampling of the Cliff Area on the Vic Claims; Kingsvale Resources Ltd. [1988-02-01]: Preliminary Plans - Gold Occurrences and Gold Geochemical Anomalies - Vic Property (Revised); Kingsvale Resources Ltd. [1988-02-19]: Prospectus Report on the Vick Gold Property; C.A. Hrkac [1988-10-01]: Geological and Geochemical Report on the Vic Property)
EMR MP CORPFILE (New Pyramid Gold Mines Inc.)
GSC OF 534; 2207
CMH 1940, p. 134